[Value Creation Story]
Materiality and KPIs
[Value Creation Story]
Materiality and KPIs
[Value Creation Story]
Materiality and KPIs
Society is changing rapidly due to serious social issues, such as the shrinking of domestic construction demand caused by the declining birthrate and aging population, a growing shortage of skilled construction workers, the rapid progress in digitalization, the increase of natural disasters caused by climate change, and the spread of COVID-19.
In response to these changes in the business environment, we have set our Vision 2030 in fiscal 2018 as “a construction company that globally supports and connects people and communities with a new value. The vision sets out our aim to achieve a sustainable society and the continuous growth of the SMCC Group by taking advantage of the Group’s strength and encouraging individual employees to take future-oriented actions. In addition, in fiscal 2020, we identified the material issues (materiality) that should be prioritized through backcasting from the future vision to realize our Vision 2030, based on social issues and requests from stakeholders. From now on, we will work to realize our Vision 2030 based on materiality. The materiality will be reviewed as necessary in light of changes in society and the business environment.
We have sorted out keywords related to social issues and changes expected by 2030 based on internationally recognized codes of conduct, frameworks, and guidelines, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Guidelines for Social Responsibility (ISO 26000), and the SASB Standard; the evaluation items of sustainability assessment organizations; issues faced by the construction industry; and the recognition of risks and opportunities. We then selected materiality candidates in view of our corporate principles and our Vision 2030.
We evaluated the selected materiality candidates based on the two axes: “Degree of materiality for the company” and “Degree of materiality for stakeholders.” We evaluated the “degree of materiality for the company” by conducting a questionnaire survey targeting division managers and the “degree of materiality for stakeholders” based on the opinions of external experts on ESG.
Masao Seki, Professor (non-tenured), School of Business Administration, Meiji University |
Hiromi Sakazume, Professor, Department of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies, HOSEI University |
Miyako Enokibori, Senior Manager, CDP Japan Kyoko Narita, Senior Manager, CDP Japan |
We have identified the materiality we have evaluated and summarized through the resolution of the Board of Directors. On the other hand, we have separately positioned the items related to the foundation of corporate management and the mission as a construction company as material issues that form the premise of our business activities.
We have established KPIs for the identified materiality to set specific targets and target years. We will continue to put the KPIs on the PDCA cycle and work on activities to solve issues.