Data of Environmental Management Activities

1. Business Activities, Material Balance, and Environmental Accounting

We aim to continuously reduce our environmental impact and promote environmental management by measuring resources and energy input in our business activities and understanding our environmental impact.

INPUT - Main Resources and Energy Inputs

Energy Consumption
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Officeelectricity MWh 2,903 3,018 2,632 3,446
Construction siteselectricity MWh 26,779 19,301 18,810 21,475
kerosene kL 197 65 350 350
diesel kL 20,328 19,380 20,244 37,667
fuel oil kL 183 0 0 13


Construction Materials Input
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Ready-mixed concrete thousand tonnes 1,026.0 843.0 1,127.0 1,253.0
Rebar thousand tonnes 98.0 50.0 70.0 88.7
Steel frame thousand tonnes 7.0 5.0 26.5 45.1
Cement thousand tonnes 38.0 18.0 27.2 22.6
Main Recycled Materials Input
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Blast furnace ready-mixed concrete thousand tonnes 225.0 96.0 200.4 104.7
Electric arc furnace rebar thousand tonnes 98.0 50.0 70.0 88.7
Electric arc furnace steel thousand tonnes 7.0 5.0 17.0 12.4
Blast furnace cement thousand tonnes 9.0 13.0 2.4 3.1
Recycled crushed stone thousand tonnes 90.0 41.0 72.8 59.9
Asphalt mixture thousand tonnes 22.0 25.0 9.3 10.5
Soil generated from construction thousand m³ 2,963.0 141.0 550.9 162.5

Activities of Each Sector


OUTPUT - Main Emissions

CO2 Emissions
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Scope 1 and Scope 2unitFY2020FY2021FY2022FY2023
CO2 Emissions thousand t-CO2 68.0 60.9 63.9 63.4
 Office activities thousand t-CO2 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.0
 Construction stage thousand t-CO2 67.0 59.4 62.7 62.4
Emission Intensity t-CO2/100 million yen 21.1 20.1 22.3 21.6


Scope 3unitFY2020FY2021FY2022FY2023
CO2 Emissions thousand t-CO2 1,472.6 1,278.9 1,335.5 1,358.6
Category 1 thousand t-CO2 242.6 166.4 283.3 538.2
Category 11 thousand t-CO2 1,147.4 1,019.8 954.1 736.4
Other categories thousand t-CO2 82.5 92.7 98.1 84.0


Disposal of soil generated from construction
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Disposal of soil generated from construction thousand m³ 300.4 911.0 1085.0 1342.4
Use of recycled resources thousand m³ 289.8 347.0 765.8 1021.6
On-site thousand m³ 252.7 122.0 518.3 814.8
Off-site delivery thousand m³ 37.1 225.0 247.5 206.8
Other Processes thousand m³ 10.6 564.0 319.2 320.8
Disposal of construction waste
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Disposal of construction waste thousand tonnes 408.0 431.0 551.3 452.4
Intermediate treatment thousand tonnes 397.0 395.0 520.6 430.7
Final disposal thousand tonnes 11.0 36.0 30.7 21.7
Disposal Intensity t-CO2/100 million yen 126.6 141.6 163.3 134.3

Environmental Accounting

We calculate environmental conservation cost in order to clarify the costs and benefits for environmental conservation in our business activities.

< Domestic non-consolidated >
Environmental Conservation Cost million yen 4,599 4,825 5,389 5,832
 A) Cost within our business area million yen 3,622 3,605 4,392 4,681
  (Pollution prevention cost) million yen 1,546 1,168 1,513 1,366
  (Global environmental conservation cost) million yen 35 86 30 69
  (Resource circulation cost) million yen 2,041 2,351 2,849 3,246
 B) Upstream, downstream cost million yen 305 344 380 295
 C) Administrative activity cost million yen 429 506 409 638
 D) R&D cost million yen 204 337 175 181
 E) Social activity cost million yen 11 7 3 5
 F) Environmental remediation cost million yen 28 26 30 32
  • Calculation method of environmental accounting;

    • The period covered : 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024
    • Boundary: Domestic head office, branch offices, three PC factories, and construction sites. (As for the construction sites, 23 sites for building construction work were selected, which accounted for 29% of net sales of completed construction contracts. For civil engineering work, 43 construction sites were selected which accounted for 42% of net sales of completed construction contracts.)
    • Internal personnel expenses: Calculated by multiplying the number of hours required by a uniform unit price calculated from the average annual salary.

2. Contribution for Decarbonized Society

In November 2021, we set forth the "Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality by 2050" and are working to achieve a 50% reduction (from 2020) of CO2 emissions for Scope 1 + Scope 2 and a 25% reduction (from 2020) of CO2 emissions for Scope 3 by 2030.

  • * The boundary of calculation on a non-consolidated basis includes domestic construction sites, offices and factories, and overseas construction sites and offices of Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd .
    Overseas CO2 emissions in fiscal 2020 are calculated based on the ratio of domestic and overseas net sales of completed construction contracts , and the figures in fiscal 2021 are calculated based on available energy usage fee payment records. The figures in fiscal 2022 are based on a 2-month survey of the types of heavy construction equipment, the number of units in operation, and the operating hours, and estimated using the percentage of net sales of completed construction contracts. The boundary of calculation on a consolidated basis includes the construction sites, offices, and factories of domestic affiliates, and the construction sites and offices of overseas subsidiaries. In fiscal 2023, the figures are estimated on the ratio of net sales of completed construction contracts based on a 5-month (Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd.) and 2-month (overseas subsidiaries) survey of fuel used in heavy construction equipment and electricity used for construction equipment.
    The boundary of calculation on a consolidated basis includes construction sites, offices and factories of domestic consolidated subsidiaries and construction sites and offices of overseas subsidiaries.
  • * Emission factors used in the calculation of CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) in fiscal 2020, 2021 and 2022 are those provided by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) for kerosene, diesel oil, and heavy oil A, and the default values under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures for the others in fiscal 2020, 2021 and 2022 . Emission factors used in the calculation of CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) in fiscal 2023 are the default values under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
    Emission factors for domestic electricity in fiscal 2020 and 2021 are provided by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), and those from fiscal 2022 are based on each contract.
    Emission factors for overseas electricity are the country-specific emission factors described in "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)", and the default values under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures for the others.
  • * The amount of diesel oil used in heavy construction equipment at construction sites is calculated based on the total number of heavy construction equipment in operation for each type of equipment, in accordance with the "Environmental Information Disclosure Guidelines" of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors (Nikkenren), using JFCC's survey sheet
CO2 Emissions from Construction Sites and Offices
(excluding emission reduction activities at construction sites)
< Non-consolidated >

(base year)

Total Emissions t-CO2 70,766 105,705 112,113 63,437
 Scope 1 (domestic) t-CO2 50,328 45,606 54,844 39,734
 Scope 1 (overseas) t-CO2 6,251 50,661 45,732 15,595
 Scope 2 (domestic) t-CO2 12,491 8,041 7,855 5,633
 Scope 2 (overseas) t-CO2 1,696 1,397 3,682 2,475
Intensity t-CO2 22.0 34.7 33.2 18.8
% of base year % 0.0 49.4 58.4 -10.4

Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 Emissions
< Consolidated >
(base year)
SMC Group  t-CO2 120,719 157,823 169,077 130,740
Scope 1 t-CO2 99,667 140,666 147,973 114,925★
Scope 2  t-CO2 21,052 17,157 21,104 15,815★
SMC (Non-consolidated)  t-CO2 70,766 105,705 112,113 63,437
Scope 1 (domestic) t-CO2 50,328 45,606 54,844 39,734
Scope 1 (overseas) t-CO2 6,251 50,661 45,732 15,595
Scope 2 (domestic) t-CO2 12,491 8,041 7,855 5,633
Scope 2 (overseas) t-CO2 1,696 1,397 3,682 2,475
Consolidated subsidiaries t-CO2 49,953 52,118 56,964 67,303
Scope 1 (domestic) t-CO2 43,088 40,562 42,311 41,364
Scope 1 (overseas) t-CO2 3,837 5,086 18,233
Scope 2 (domestic) t-CO2 6,865 7,182 8,413 6,406
Scope 2 (overseas) t-CO2 537 1,154 1,301
  • * Third-party assurance for consolidated CO2 Emissions has been received since FY2023.
    Values assured by the third -party are indicated with an asterisk (★).
Scope 3 CO2 Emissions
< Non-consolidated >
(base year)
Total Emissions t-CO2 1,472,596 1,278,914 1,335,506 1,358,625
Category 1 Purchased goods and services t-CO2 242,619 166,448 283,290 538,236★
Category 2 Capital goods t-CO2 333 44,296 5,545 665
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities t-CO2 9,014 8,364 15,542 9,763
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 1,417 2,420 9,594 12,595
Category 5 Waste generated in operations t-CO2 36,722 27,740 44,282 40,148
Category 6 Business travel  t-CO2 1,225 1,179 2,239 3,454
Category 7 Employee commuting t-CO2 247 235 267 616
Category 8 Upstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 10 Processing of sold products t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 11 Use of sold products t-CO2 1,147,446 1,019,795 954,105 736,380★
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 11,911 8,437 20,642 16,768
Category 13 Downstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 14 Franchises t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 15 Investments t-CO2 21,662 0 0 0
  • * Non-consolidated Scope 3 Category 1 and Category 11 CO2 emissions for FY2023 have been independently assured. The values assured by an independent assurer are indicated with ★.
  • * Since FY2023, CO2 emissions from fuel used for transporting waste and construction waste have been changed from Scope 1 to Scope 3 Category 4 (2,365t-CO2) and Scope 3 Category 5 (1,050t-CO2).
  • * Materials to be calculated for Category 1 are concrete, rebar, PC steel, steel, cement, crushed stone, asphalt, and soil.
Scope 3 Emissions
< Consolidated >
(base year)
Total Emissions t-CO2 1,631,788 1,432,233 1,788,541 2,680,310
 Category 1 Purchased goods and services t-CO2 361,092 259,594 390,962 1,239,530
 Category 2 Capital goods t-CO2 763 44,984 11,998 9,257
 Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities t-CO2 18,558 19,304 27,407 20,490
 Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 18,970 16,942 15,495 21,681
 Category 5 Waste generated in operations t-CO2 41,244 32,455 50,197 43,554
 Category 6 Business travel t-CO2 3,163 3,207 4,545 6,520
 Category 7 Employee commuting t-CO2 593 629 1,012 2,053
 Category 8 Upstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution t-CO2 1,242 846 1,585 1,310
 Category 10 Processing of sold products t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Category 11 Use of sold products t-CO2 1,174,252 1,045,835 1,262,858 1,312,103
 Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products t-CO2 11,911 8,437 22,482 23,813
 Category 13 Downstream leased assets t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Category 14 Franchises t-CO2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Category 15 Investments  t-CO2 0 0 0 0
  • * Category 15 (Consolidated) for the base year is 0 because it is included in Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the consolidated subsidiaries.
Calculation Method of Scope 3 Emissions by Category
categoryCaculation method
1 Calculated by multiplying the quantity of each material procured in the reporting year by the CO2 emission intensity of each material. CO2 emission intensity for concrete, rebar, PC steel, steel, cement, and crushed stone is based on the Ministry of the Environment "Emission intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)". CO2 emission intensity for asphalt and soil is based on the CO2 emission intensity of IDEA(v2.3, December 27, 2019).
2 Calculated by multiplying the change in property, plant and equipment (Buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, vehicle carriers, tools, appliances and fixtures) from the previous year by the CO2 emission intensity of capital goods. CO2 emission intensity is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
3 Calculated by multiplying electricity consumption in the reporting year (excluding electricity from renewable sources) by the CO2 emission intensity of electricity during fuel procurement. CO2 emission intensity is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chainss (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024). For diesel oil, kerosene, A-type heavy oil, gasoline, LNG, LPG, and GTL, CO2 emission intensity is based on IDEA(v2.3, December 27, 2019).
4 Calculated using the Ton-Kilometer method or the fuel consumption method, based on the weight of materials procured in the reporting year and the average distance transported. CO2 emission intensity are based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
5 Calculated by multiplying the weight of construction waste disposal in the reporting year by the CO2 emission intensity (including transportation) for each type of waste. CO2 emission intensity is based on the "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
6 Calculated by multiplying the amount by means of transportation used for business trips (Railways, aircraft, buses and taxis) by the CO2 emission intensity by means of transportation. CO2 emission intensity is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
7 Calculated by multiplying the amount of commuting expenses by means of transportation (Railways, buses and private cars) by the CO2 emission intensity by means of transportation. CO2 emission intensity is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
9 Calculated using the Ton-Kilometer method or the fuel consumption method, based on the weight of materials sold in the reporting year and the average distance transported. CO2 emission intensity are based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
11 For domestic buildings completed in the reporting year, annual CO2 emissions are calculated based on BEI values, standard primary energy consumption, and primary energy composition ratio in the energy conservation statement, and then multiplied by the duration of use of the building. For overseas buildings completed in the reporting year, annual CO2 emissions are calculated by multiplying the total floor area by the emission intensity per unit area for each building use, and then multiplied by the duration of use of the building. CO2 emission intensity per unit area for each use of the building is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."
12 The amount of CO2 emitted when disposing of materials for projects completed in the reporting year was calculated from the amount of CO2 emitted when dismantling the projects. The amount of CO2 emitted when disposing of materials was calculated by dividing the quantity of materials such as concrete, reinforcing steel, PC steel, steel, cement, crushed stone, and asphalt by the ratio of sales of projects completed in the reporting year to sales in the reporting year, and multiplying the ratio by the CO2 emission intensity. The CO2 emission intensity was based on the "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)". The amount of CO2 emitted when dismantling projects completed in the reporting year was estimated from the total floor area of projects completed in the reporting year by calculating the amount of CO2 emitted per unit area based on the results of demolition projects of Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd.
15 Calculated by multiplying the amount of investment made in the reporting year and the CO2 emission intensity of the investment. CO2 emission intensity of the investment is based on "Emissions intensity database for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4) (March 2024)."

3. Contribution to Recycling-Oriented Society

To achieve zero emissions at our construction sites, we have set a KPI of 100% recycling*1 of construction waste by FY2030. To achieve this target, we are implementing thorough waste separation and outsourcing proper disposal.

We also aim to create a recycling-oriented society that enables sustainable development by prioritizing the procurement of materials, equipment and office supplies with less environmental impact (green procurement) and adopting construction methods and technologies with less environmental impact.


Construction Waste Recycled (%)
<Domestic non-consolidated >


TargetPerformanceAchievementTargetPerformanceAchievementTargetPerformanceAchievementTargetPerformanceAchievementLong-Term Goal
99.0 99.7 99.1 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.3 99.3 100.0%
98.4 98.9 98.6 98.6 98.9 97.8 99.0 98.7 100.0%
  • *1 The recycling rate excludes hazardous wastes and other wastes that cannot be treated with intermediate processing.
Disposal of construction waste and landfill
(Including hazardous wastes and other wastes that cannot be processed with intermediate treatments)
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Disposal thousand tonnes 408.0 431.0 551.3 452.4
Landfill thousand tonnes 37.0 36.0 30.7 21.7
(%) of final disposal % 90.9 91.6 94.4 95.2
Disposal of construction waste by item
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Total thousand tonnes 408.0 431.0 551.3 452.4
Concrete mass thousand tonnes 138.0 182.0 240.4 222.5
Asphalt and concrete mass thousand tonnes 34.0 40.0 45.9 36.9
Waste timber thousand tonnes 13.0 12.0 14.6 13.8
Construction Sludge thousand tonnes 161.0 100.0 170.5 117.0
Plastic waste thousand tonnes 2.0 2.0 1.6 5.0
Mixed waste thousand tonnes 10.0 23.0 17.6 14.6
Others thousand tonnes 50.0 72.0 60.7 42.6
Green Procurement Items (FY2023)
< Domestic non-consolidated >
  Priority items and remarks

Civil engineering construction division
Construction sector/Design sector

Number of priority items: 40 items

Building construction division Construction sector

Number of priority items: 43 items
Design sector Number of priority items: 28 items
Office operation sector (office supplies) Office supplies compliant with the Act on Promoting Green Procurement and Eco Mark products
Office operation sector (OA equipment) Copiers, computers, printers, facsimiles, displays
Use of Green Procurement Products (Main materials)
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Blast furnace ready-mixed concrete thousand tonnes 225.0 96.0 200.4 104.7
Electric arc furnace rebar thousand tonnes 93.0 50.0 70.0 88.7
Electric arc furnace steel thousand tonnes 68.0 5.0 17.0 12.4
Blast furnace cement thousand tonnes 9.0 13.0 2.4 3.1
Recycled crushed stone thousand tonnes 90.0 41.0 72.8 59.9
Asphalt mixture thousand tonnes 22.0 25.0 9.3 10.5
Water consumption
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Total thousand m3 334.0 292.0 372.9 451.7
Construction sites thousand m3 322.0 281.0 359.2 436.4
Offices thousand m3 12.0 11.0 13.7 15.3
  • * Water consumption was calculated from water usage charges.
Hazardous Substance Management
< Domestic non-consolidated >
Asbestos-containing waste t 679.0 46.0 59.1 68.6
Waste asbestos t 121.0 267.0 214.3 158.1
Mercury usage (fluorescent light) t 14.0 3.0 37.1 21.6
Waste oil t 60.0 8.0 18.4 26.5
Hazardous sludge (Pb): lead t 325.0 126.0 141.6 192.8
Disposal of other hazardous substances t 102.0 192.0 17.2 201.7

4. Contribution to a Society in Harmony with Nature

We are implementing activities to protect rare plants and animals and to preserve biodiversity at our construction worksites.

For the protection of rare plants and animals, in FY2023, we conducted activities at eight sites in the civil engineering construction worksites and two in the building construction sites. These activities include protecting breeding sites, preserving movement, and reducing noise and vibration by changing construction methods. These activities lead to protect rare plants such as Japanese swamp leaf, Rotala pusilla, Chickweed sparrow, Arisaema longilaminum, Chrysosplenium album, Primrose, Tylophora floribunda, Lonicera tschonoskii, Asarum heterotropoides, and Primula jesoana, as well as rare animals such as birds (raptors such as Grey-headed lapwing and sparrowhawk, etc.), loggerhead sea turtles, mammals (such as Ussuri tube-nosed bat), amphibians (Japanese tree frog), fish (Glass eel, gilthead eel, Japanese fluvial sculpin), benthic animals, and insects.

Protected in separate areas with ropes
Monitoring the growth condition of rare plants growing wild outside the worksite.

(Photo location: Saku-shi, Nagano, Japan)

5. Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test)

We are promoting the certification of Eco Test to raise the environmental awareness and knowledge of our employees. 1,838 employees had been certificated as of April 2023, which is 62% of the total number of employees.


6. Certification of Environmental Management System


7. Independent Assurance Report
