Greetings from Guam! My name is Matsuhita and currently I am assigned at Agat Santarita Project in Guam. Today, I would like to introduce a heart-warming story about the traffic jam during morning commuting.
In Guam, there are many elementary and middle school kids who take the school bus in their commute to school. Every time the school bus stops at a bus stop, the traffic gets a little congested. This is because all the cars, regardless of the number of car lanes, whether in-bound or out-bound, stop until all the children get on the bus safely and the bus starts moving. This is to protect children from traffic accident.
This is not common in Japan, so at first I was bewildered, but now that I have become accustomed, it also became my co

This is not common in Japan, so at first I was bewildered, but now that I have become accustomed, it also became my common practice.
The project I'm assigned is a bit far from the tourist area so I commute along the coastline for a while. Driving along the coast is quite peaceful and tranquil. The power poles installed along the roadside is twice as big as the one in Japan. This is an innovation distinctive to a country located in typhoon alley.

Agat Santarita project, a construction of new wastewater treatment and partial renovation of existing facility, is a project awarded to keep the ocean clean and pristine. The project is located in the southwest Guam, and the land area is about 40,000m2.

Guam is referred to as an exotic tropical paradise.
In addition to many Japanese tourists visiting every year, a quite number of Japanese live here as well. "Japan Autumn Festival" held every year in November is a festival organized by Japanese. SMCC Guam office also participates and organizes goldfish hunt to help build up the spirit.

Lastly, I would like to introduce my favorite spot. It is called "Two Lovers Point". From here offers a breathtaking view of beautiful Tumon Bay. I live a busy life but I always feel relax and refresh when I come here.